You can’t take it with you.He who dies with the most toys wins the game!
Even though you're growing up, you should never stop having fun.Nina Dobrev
Randy PauschNever, ever underestimate the importance of having fun.
Alpha Kappa Psi (ΑΚΨ) is the oldest and largest professional business fraternity. Also known as “AKPsi”, Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity was founded on October 5, 1904 at New York University, and was incorporated on May 20, 1905. It is currently headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Irish Parade
The St. Louis St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee puts on what is regularly noted as one of the top in the country, the parade is comprised of over 120 units, including marching bands, floats, huge cartoon-character balloons, 5000+ marchers, and lots of clowns. Over 250,000 spectators, the largest of any event in downtown St. Louis, attend, packing the streets with smiling Irish eyes and festive green attire.
St. Louis Blues Hockey
Our family's Antique cars
See the cars may family has collected and their significance to us.